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MaCorr Research

Toronto, Ontario
Telephone: 416.602.8627

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MaCorr strongly supports American and Canadian Associations of Market Research Organizations standards and rules of practice regarding Internet Research. In order to ensure that your privacy is held to the highest standards in the market research industry MaCorr makes the following commitments to all of our panel members and survey respondents:

  • MaCorr will never, under any circumstances, reveal your personal demographic information to any person, company or organization.
  • MaCorr business is conducting of market research. You can be confident in the fact that we will never attempt to sell you anything.
  • MaCorr reports its survey findings as summarized and grouped data to its clients. This means that no individual responses that you make can be linked to you. This method of reporting respects your individuality and ensures your anonymity.
  • Participants in our Web Panel who no longer want to participate in online surveys can unsubscribe at any time. Our team will delete panel members permanently from our databases and they will not be asked to participate in any more research projects.

MaCorr welcomes any questions, concerns or comments that you may have regarding our privacy policy. Please feel free to contact us.